Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


54 Fairmount Avenue 
Chatham, NJ 07928

Mayor & Council Town Hall Special Meeting POSTPONED

Mayor & Council
04.04.2022 7:30 pm


Borough of Chatham
News Release
March 29, 2022

Chatham Borough Mayor and Council Town Hall Meetings Postponed

This notice is to advise that the Special Borough Mayor and Council Meetings scheduled for
Wednesday, March 30, 2022, and Monday, April 4, 2022, have been postponed. During these
meetings, the Borough Council had been anticipating holding a “town hall” discussion featuring
the Borough's experts to discuss the potential redevelopment of Post Office Plaza ("POP") and
the Borough's continued efforts to meet its affordable housing obligations in accordance with
the settlement agreement with Fair Share Housing Center. However, the Borough's experts have
advised that very recent developments involving POP require further review and analysis.
Because of these developments, proceeding as scheduled on March 30th and April 4th would not
represent a definitive presentation of the potential concepts available to the Borough. Rather
than proceed under these circumstances, the Borough Council will adjourn the POP discussion
until Monday April 18th
, at which time the Borough believes it will be in a far better position for
its professionals to make a more definitive presentation as well as answer your questions. The
rescheduled date for the second town hall will be announced within the next few days.
In addition, the Borough’s Planner is offering to meet with residents via Zoom prior to the April
18th town hall to go over Chatham’s current obligations on affordable housing and how these
relate to the Post Office Plaza, as well as to answer questions about specific options and ideas
that residents have proposed. If you are interested in participating in a Zoom call with the
Planner, please email Steve Williams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The date and time for
this Zoom session will also be announced within the next few days.
We apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause. However, we believe the
rescheduled town halls plus the added Zoom session with the Borough Planner will prove far
more informative and productive for all involved.