54 Fairmount Avenue
Chatham, NJ 07928
We celebrate Chatham's rich heritage and volunteer history, planning/promoting events to boost our local economy and foster community pride.
Janice R. Piccolo
973-635-0674 x 200
Recreation Coordinator
Carol Nauta
Sustainable Jersey certification is a FREE, voluntary, and prestigious designation for municipal governments in New Jersey. Municipalities that achieve certification are considered by their peers, state government and experts and civic organizations in New Jersey, to be among the leaders in the state.
Chatham Borough has earned their Silver Certification since 2015. Part of the Sustainable Jersey application requests information be gathered on our commitment to the arts. This information will be used to enhance our Chatham Borough Creative Assets Inventory, and detail our creative spaces, businesses, and events held during the 2024 application cycle. This information will also be useful in helping the Borough write grants, attract new businesses, and establish Chatham Borough as a Morris County Innovation Zone. The Chatham Borough Green Team can also inform you about events and activities of interest to you.