Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


54 Fairmount Avenue 
Chatham, NJ 07928

Fire Department

Fire Department Contact

 Chatham Borough Fire Department

One Fire House Plaza,
Chatham, NJ 07928
Phone: (973) 635-9090

Fire Chief: Peter Glogolich
Deputy Chief  1:  David Allan
Deputy Chief 2: Donald Almgren
Battalion Chief:  Corey Duren
Captain 1: John Rickerhauser
Captain 2:  Colin Kidd
Engine Company #1:  Lieutenant Hunter Novello
Engine Company #2:  Lieutenant Paul Carroll, Jr.
Hose Company #1: Lieutenant Tyler Kidd
Hook & Ladder Company Lieutenant: Tim Weichert 
Rescue Company Lieutenant: Shelliam Lee
Wardens Company Lieutenant: Donald Kidd

Want to become a firefighter? CBFD is looking for new members! Contact for more info! 


Fire Department Information

Please Dial 911 to report an emergency!

Chatham Borough Fire Department Mission

The mission of the Chatham Borough Fire Department shall be the protection, preservation and well-being of the health, safety, and property of all persons residing, working, or otherwise within the Borough of Chatham. This will be accomplished by providing a vast range of emergency services, strong public relations and fire safety education. We shall maintain a high standard of training, perform in a safe and professional manner, strive to create a strong bond with the community, and interact professionally with surrounding departments. We also endeavor to protect and preserve the health of our membership and return our personnel safely to their families

In fulfilling this mission, the following services are provided:

Emergency Fire and Hazardous Material Response

Mitigate fire, explosion, rescue, hazardous material, and all other such emergencies with the greatest protection of, and least loss to, the welfare of individuals and property.

Public Education and Information

Design and deliver programs to Borough residents that will prepare them to better prevent and mitigate emergency incidents.

Disaster Preparedness

Assist in maintaining and coordinating the Emergency Management Operating Plan of the Borough.

Public Assistance

Respond to requests for service from the public when those services are not otherwise assigned to other public agencies.

The Chatham Borough Fire Department strives to provide these services in a well-planned and professional manner through the best utilization of the equipment, and facilities provided by the Borough of Chatham.