Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


54 Fairmount Avenue 
Chatham, NJ 07928

Statement from the Mayor & Council on the Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald Trump

Statement on Assasination Attempt of Former President Trump.pdf

For Immediate Release
Stephen W. Williams, Borough Administrator
Melanie Politi, Communications Coordinator
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Statement from the Mayor & Council on the Attempted Assassination of Former President Donald Trump 

July 13 was a dark day in American history. An angry young man who had access to a powerful weapon of war attempted to kill former President Trump, the now presumptive Republican nominee for President. It is horrific. In the wake of this young man’s violent choice, the former President and several others were injured, and at least one innocent bystander lost his life. We extend our prayers for safety and healing to the former President and his family, and sincere condolences to all involved in this tragedy. Though as of writing this statement this person’s sinister motivations are not fully known, we can confirm that political violence to settle our differences is never the answer. This is not the America we want to be. Violence has no place in our political discourse or in our democracy. We have lived through many dark days and assassination attempts of our Presidents and political leaders. Since an attempt on the life of then President Andrew Jackson in 1835, there have been 45 credible plots or attempts to assassinate American presidents; 4 were sadly successful. By universally disavowing any violence, regardless of political party, race, creed or religion, we can start to live up to the ideals that we espouse as citizens of the greatest democracy in the world. 

We can disagree. We can argue over issues of policy. We can and we should call out any illegal actions by our leaders. However, we cannot engage in violence, incite others to violence or condone violent actions of any kind. We ask you to stand with us to condemn this assassination attempt and any other attempt to undermine our democracy. Only by standing together to uphold the peaceful rule of law, and shunning all undemocratic, violent attempts to disrupt our republic, can we, with strength and courage, move forward as the United States of America.